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leadership page uplift logo

              On behalf of those of us at Uplift, please
              accept our thanks for the gift of your
              time and resources throughout the year.

              For those of you who are unfamiliar
              with us or are just learning about our
              organization, we are a homeless outreach
              program. We are an all volunteer group
              founded in 1990. We are not funded
              by federal, state or local government
              grants or sponsored by other
              organizations and/or agencies. Uplift
              survives by donations and your
              personal commitment to feed and
              clothe the area's homeless.



  Scheduling an Uplift presentation is an
  excellent opportunity for individuals &
  organizations to learn more about the
  Uplift Organization and the homeless
  we help. All presentations are audience
  specific and will cover such topics as:

    Uplft's experience with the homeless,
    Causes of homelessness (Age specific)
    Success stories, and
    Statistics of homelessness

   Please call us at (816) 241-0060 or
   email us if you would like more
   information about our organization,
   would like to schedule a presentation,
   or would like to volunteer with Uplift.

   about us uplift logo