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      leadership page uplift logo


              Frank Fiorini, President
              Joe Kordalski, Vice President
              Noreen Puhala, Recording Secretary
              Jennie Wheeling, Corresponding Secretary


          P.O. Box 270175
          1516 Prospect Ave.
          Kansas City, MO 64127-0175

         [email protected]

       Board of Directors

          Greg Lebold, Chairman
          Kathy Dean
          Matt Smith
          Heather Greenlaw
          Jeff Jernigan
          Jennifer Schmidt
          Jim Schmidt
          Kathy Smith
          Dan Schipfer
          Lisa Snead
          Renee Schultz

       Help Us Help Others

      Uplift is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)
      tax exempt homeless outreach
      program. Monetary and in-kind
      donations are welcomed.

      To schedule an Uplift presentation
      for your school or organization,
      please contact us. Get your
      community, service organization
      or school involved by sponsoring
      a canned food drive. Contact
      Uplift for more details.